To add on actual violence is a thing that isn’t new to Scooby-Doo, notably the drop-dead amazing Scooby-Doo Apocalypse comes to mind for being an adult take on the source material. To Be Is To Do Soccatcs To Do Is To Be Sartre Do Be Do Scooby Doo Shirt It’s also possible to do a group of 5 survivors who solve crimes and just reference Scooby-Doo without having to actually get the IP for it. Most of the people who grew up with 80s/90s horror slashers also probably watched Scooby-Doo
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Legion style with different skins being different characters and genders and then also have some of the skins be nods to the outfits of the actual gang. That’s the problem though. It’s nostalgia when they were kids, To Be Is To Do Soccatcs To Do Is To Be Sartre Do Be Do Scooby Doo Shirt FNAF is the same for kids now. A lot of kids have actually grown up on FNAF. I know when It was new I liked it in high school. Wouldn’t be a preference now. The issue with FNAF honestly comes down to the designs of the animatronic they make the killer and if the DBD redesign is good.
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The default models from the games are honestly garbage looking and that hasn’t changed, but it’s fine because of how the game is set up as a jump scare game, so in order for them to work they’d have to redesign them well so they aren’t too “Out there” as it were, similar to how they handled the Clown’s outfit a to a lesser degree, Robbie. To Be Is To Do Soccatcs To Do Is To Be Sartre Do Be Do Scooby Doo Shirt I also can’t think of a Survivor who could be bundled with it and I’m pretty sure that’s a big hangup for a lot of licenses now. It could work as a single killer sale like Bubba but I’m not sure if that sells well due to the lack of survivors.
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