Everybody always puts this question out there about killing baby Hitler. Why not just cock block his dad? Keep his parents from ever meeting? Premium Baby Stitch Hug Baby Jack Skellington LGBT Shirt Lots of ways to make sure he doesn’t exist in the first place. And, that being said, to stop Hitler or anyone else who might create a fascist Germany, you really have to stop WW1 from happening, or at least change the script on it enough that it doesn’t end with a set up for WW2, in Europe at least.
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People really sort of romanticizing Hitler Premium Baby Stitch Hug Baby Jack Skellington LGBT Shirt as this charismatic and ruthlessly effective politician who turned a democratic state into his own personal fief but behind his extremely moving oratory skills. I’ve read this to, but I always found it telling that the story always came from defeated Nazi leaders and generals who didn’t commit suicide along with Hitler and Goebbels. I can’t help but wonder how many of them just blamed everything, even things they fucked up, on the one guy the rest of the world blames everything on?
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Not trying to paint Hitler is a better light, Premium Baby Stitch Hug Baby Jack Skellington LGBT Shirt just wondering if his generals are using him as a scapegoat for all their individual failings. I mean, who is going to argue with them? Kissinger’s book Diplomacy really goes into the differences between Roosevelt and Wilson in terms of foreign policy. The world would be a completely different place if Roosevelt had won.
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