The Streetfight Good Skull I’m The Psychotic Bearded Beast Everyone Warned You About Shirt is not uncommon in our crowded cities and towns. Temperaments of people differ, and when such people came together, clashes are likely. When interest clash, a wordy war may lead to a hand to hand fight. Let me take an instance from everybody’s life. Last Sunday, I witnessed a terrible quarrel. It is a holiday, I was enjoying a nap at noon. All of a sudden, loud cries and shouts of abuse made me jump up. I rushed to the scene of the quarrel. Ere long, I knew what had led to a quarrel.
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Our neighbor, Prem Good Skull I’m The Psychotic Bearded Beast Everyone Warned You About Shirts, had come by rickshaw from the bus stand. He had not cared to settle the fare with the taxi driver beforehand. When you got down from the rickshaw, he offered 30 rupees to the driver. But the latter refused to accept the same. He demanded 50 rupees. But the Prem was not going to pay even a single rupee more. The driver, at last, accepted 30 rupees, but growled and uttered some abusive nonsense. On hearing, Prem flew into a temper. He pounced upon the rickshaw driver like a tiger. The driver, though he had a long tongue in his mouth, was a bundle of bones. He fell, crushed under a heavyweight of Prem. Prem rained blow after blow on the poor fellow.
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