Definitely, NTA if your stepmom Excellent San Francisco 49ers Woman The Soul Of A Witch Fire Of A Lioness Shirt knew your bday was coming up and. Planned a vacation that excluded you during your bday because she didn’t. Think you were gonna throw a party then I believe she is insensitive and stupid. Like, she could have at least asked you what the plans were BEFORE she booked the vacation, and if she had booked it Excellent San Francisco 49ers Woman The Soul Of A Witch The Fire Of A Lioness Vintage Shirt maybe try asking you to tag along. A good way to bond, and a chance to celebrate your bday with. Someone who is going to be in your life for a while. And I mean, 21 is one of the biggest years for young adults, you become legal everywhere so yeah.
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Stepmom and stepbrother Excellent San Francisco 49ers Woman The Soul Of A Witch The Fire Of A Lioness Vintage Shirt will have plenty of chances to meet the rest of the family if they stay in the family. Why should she move the party if her aunts and uncles can’t make it to the changed data? OP is NTA for wanting to see their family. The dad’s wife is trying to make OP’s birthday about herself and her son. If OP changes the date Surprised Cuomo Political 2021 Shirt and none of her biological family can come then she would just be spending her 21st bday with 2 people she’s only met once before, how the hell does that make sense? The fact that your dad’s wife is taking her son out for a vacation and clearly didn’t ask you.
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