Exactly. In some areas you have problems finding a place that can test you, in other areas, you can get tested but you might be waiting in a car for eight hours and in some other areas you can get a test done but the turn around for results can be ten days. The main testing center requires waiting in a line of cars in a University Tennessee State University Black Ivy League Halloween Shirt parking lot with no shade for hours on end. Local temperatures in that lot can reach 122 °F easily. You know. The internal temperature of a rare steak.
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In northern/middle Indiana, all I’ve heard from people are bitching. Family members, coworkers, pretty much everyone I’ve come into contact with is just blowing this off. My mother in law, who is in the at-risk group, told me “Honey if that’s how the good Lord wants to take me, that’s how he’ll take me!”That’s the thing, Tennessee State University Black Ivy League Halloween Shirt she knows the medical chances she takes when she doesn’t take precautions against COVID. I’ve explained it all to her, trying to drive that point home, yet she still doesn’t care. The conspiracy theories have got their claws in her and it doesn’t help when her son and other family members feed into it.
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