Student loans won’t be Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books It Was Me The End Shirt forgiven (you DID get something of value in exchange for knowingly borrowing the money & promising to pay it back, correct???), and the Green New Deal is a half baked dream that requires a ton of revision and additional detail before anything close to it can be implemented, okay? Oh, and the vast majority of the country does NOT support your twin Gods, Bernie & AOC, okay? And if you are going to try to convince America that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. You will lose every time ok? But having said that, we. It is especially relative to the history of elected presidents.
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DO agree that the Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books It Was Me The End Shirt environment is a key issue, renewables are the future, the rule of law is the foundation of America, and probably 100 other things…most importantly, we can agree that another 4 years of Trump will be the death of all of us! It is especially relative to the history of elected presidents. No. Don’t. We tried that, and it hasn’t made the DNC change. But it has completely slaughtered our international position. We can change internal politics later, but we can’t become a world leader again. Unfortunately, I feel that things would continue to worsen under the Democratic party. Not nearly as apparent as a raging fire, but no less deadly than invisible carbon monoxide.
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