Happy birthday! Stepmom sounds Excellent Raccoons And Opossums Upper Class Trailer Shirt like a real piece of work and your dad is nearly as bad for not standing up to her. Your stepmom is an AH and so is your dad. She just wants to use your birthday as her formal intro to the extended family it sounds like. She doesn’t want your party to be about you, but about herself. Nothing is stopping stepmom from getting together with these Excellent Raccoons And Opossums Upper Class Trailer Trash Shirt people when she returns. I can only assume that she forgot about your birthday. The leap year thing is an excuse for it not appearing on her calendar and her mistake. I honestly can not blame her for forgetting but she should own the mistake.
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You could try to push Excellent Raccoons And Opossums Upper Class Trailer Trash Shirt back the birthday a week if you cared to. It would be super nice of you but also more than should be expected. The different story maybe if she had owned her mistake. I realize I’m in the minority. People w leap year birthdays choose when they want to celebrate and the stepmom not knowing when that day was going to be isn’t her fault. Not wanting to miss Positive Airplane Control 2021 Shirt celebrating you is understandable BUT wanting to use your celebration to introduce her son is not good. She and your father could plan a wedding celebration to accomplish this and ultimately I don’t think you should have to move your da
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